
Carer fulfills dying woman’s last wish with song

We all get old and die eventually.

I’m not especially scared of dying, I think it’s something beautiful and natural. On the other hand, I’m terrified of getting old and not being able to look after myself.

To be completely dependent on someone else, not be able to go to the bathroom on your own or remember your childrens’ names. That’s no kind of life.

Maria was living out her final days in a care facility. And she knew that she didn’t have long left to live.

Maria had been a singing and piano teacher her whole life and missed being surrounded by music.

But she was in luck, because one of her old students worked at her care home in Austinburg, Ohio.

Joshua Woodard had been taught by her from when he was 9 years old, so they knew each other well.

Maria’s greatest wish was to hear the song ”How great thou art” before she died

Of course, Joshua was eager to fulfill Maria’s final wish.

With the song lyrics on his phone, he sang a heartfelt rendition of Maria’s fa

Even sweeter, it turns out that Joshua had known Mary since he was just 9-years-old.

“Hospice workers are angels but this hospice aide is special,” said Marti Adkins Redmond.

“Mary taught voice and piano in her day and this aide Joshua Woodard was one of her students as a kid. Special people hospice workers are!

Maria’s sister-in-law managed to capture the emotional moment on film:

Sadly Maria is no longer with us, which makes this whole clip even more moving.

Make sure you share this beautiful clip with all your friends on Facebook to honour all the staff working tirelessly to take care of our elderly loved ones.

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